Telegram is such a messaging app in which many features are available to the users, it also has the sticker sending feature along with emoji and many stickers are available so that it is more good to chat, Two in Telegram Step Verification, Chat Folder etc. Many types of options are available, in this article also I am going to tell you about how to make Telegram Quiz, Quiz means asking questions and many options are also given to answer them, that is, That there are 2 to 4 answers for a question, out of which one answer is correct, the category of the quiz is different, that is, there can be quiz related to any category like Education, Entertainment etc. Quiz to the users in Telegram also. There is an option to create, using which you can ask any question, in this you can ask any question in the group or channel and you can also give option for it.
What is Telegram Quiz?
There is also an option to ask questions in Telegram, so that you can ask any question to the group members, and you can also give the option to answer it, you must have seen Quiz on many Telegram channels, in which there is a question. And for his answer, 2 to 4 options are given, out of which you have to select the option according to you, this option of Telegram is similar to Poll Option of Facebook, as users on Facebook get the option to create Poll. In which you can write your question in Ask A Question and you can also give option for its answer,
In this, you can select the gallery’s photo to select the answer to the question, that is, you can select the answer to the question in the photo, similarly in Facebook Poll, you can also allow group members to add the option to the poll. , so that they can add new options to the poll, there are many options in Telegram Quiz too, in this you have to select the title of the quiz, write the description after the title and then you see the option with Poll Question, In which the question has to be written and you can add the option to write the answer to that question from Quiz Answer.
How to make Telegram Quiz? How to Create a Poll Question on Telegram
In Telegram Messenger, users get the option of Quiz Bot, in which many options are shown to create a quiz, in this you also get the option to select the language, and other languages other than English are available in which Quiz is created. You can, on Telegram, if you ask a question by writing a text in a similar chat of a channel or group, and write 4 options for it, then someone answers it, then he has to type the answer, whereas Telegram This does not happen in Quiz, there you only have to select the answer, and whether you have selected the correct answer to the question or not, it is also known that it is not that you can create Quiz only once. Rather, you can create many quizzes.
How to make Telegram Quiz?
- You have to open Telegram App in your mobile, after that you have to click on the search icon and type Quiz Bot in the search box, then this option will appear, click on it.
- After clicking on Quit Bot, Start option will appear, click on it.
- After this, some options will appear in the Chat Box, out of which click on the Menu option and click on the Create a New Quiz option.
- After this you will be asked the title of the quiz, you can write anything in it, you can write any category your quiz is related to here and click on the send icon.
- After this you have to write description in Telegram Quiz, in this you can write some information about your quiz, if you do not want to write description then click on Skip option.
- Now you will see an option named Create A Question, click on this option, after that you have to fill the form.
- Poll Question – In this you can write any question, whatever you want to ask, whatever question you want, write it here.
- In Quiz Answer, you can write the answer of the question in the option, and by clicking on Add an Option, you can add another option for the answer of the question, similarly you can add more than 2 options.
- Select whichever question has the correct answer by clicking on it.
- Add An Explanation – In this option, if you want to write an Explanation for Wrong Answer, then you can write, whatever text you write here, it will appear when someone selects the wrong answer.
- After filling all the options correctly, click on Create option, and then click on the done option.
- After this, here you will be asked to set the time limit of the quiz, in this you can select the time you want to show the quiz for 10 to 30 seconds or whatever time you want, you have to click on the button icon in the section containing the chat. , and you will start seeing the option to set Time Limit, click on whatever time you want to select 10 Sec, 5 Min etc.
- After this you will see the option with Shuffle Question & Answer, in which you can select any option Shuffle All or No Shuffle.
Now your Telegram Quiz will be successfully created and its link will also appear, which you can copy and send it to any group or channel, or you can also share the quiz by clicking on the Share option here, Share Quiz option. If you click on it, here you will see all the groups and channels of your Telegram, click on whoever you want to send it.
Conclusion –
How to make Telegram Quiz, in this messenger, users also get many options for Notification & Sound, Data & Storage etc. With these options you can turn on and off notification sound and do not want to download media files automatically. So the option is available for this in Storage.
Friends, you must have learned about how to make Telegram Quiz, if you liked this information and found it beneficial, then share it with your other friends on social media sites and keep visiting our site for such new information.